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Created 6-Jan-09
Modified 31-Dec-09
83 photos
(more recent images first)

The turn of the year brought us again some snow, quite a lot actually, so the snowy garden outside my window looks like the right pic to start the gallery (last one in it now)

Snow is also the subject of the next few ones, with some "postcards" from a walk along the banks of the Po river in Turin.

In Val Varaita the main climbing road was clean but in the villages along it the snow was quite a sight, like on the roofs or the small cut between high white walls which was the only path to the main church in Casteldelfino.

Got to shake the dust from my camera after a long hiatus for family problems, and my pictures are jumping from deep snow to the deep colours of the poppies in an early glimpse of Summer.

A few ones at a small pond where locals relax on Sundays, and on the road again to magic Elva, with the sun playing hide&seek with big clouds. The road has been blocked for a long time because of all the broken trees ripped down last winter by a huge snow slide.

Then comes August, a visit to the seaside is mandatory of course.

A long Autumn this year with its gorgeous colours, and snow is just round the corner again.

By early December it's easy to find it, in Crissolo it's already over a foot high and the ski resorts are opening.

Hope you enjoy.